Originally written in 2010, this is the expanded addition published Aug. 7th, 2018
Currently there are no governing organizations or boards of oversight that deal with Sexual Energy Workers. Individual practitioners have remained autonomous. So it is up to them to adopt their own Code of Ethics in accordance with their own individual personal/professional boundaries and morals.
Our Code of Ethics largely hinges on our "Scope of Practice". What services we offer and ALWAYS considering what is in the Best Interest Of The Client/Seeker.
"Tantric healers who work with sexuality should also heed a different cautionary note. The neo-tantra industry is rife with stories about Daka’s abusing their power and rumors about sexual woundings are rampantly shared. One recent arrival in the neo-tantra world – who would like to remain anonymous – shared this with us:
The men and women who come to Dakas and Dakinis seeking healing are often in a very emotionally vulnerable state. I have found that sometimes even the most well intentioned healer may not realize how fragile and vulnerable certain clients may be. During a session, the healer needs to be respectful of boundaries and issues of transference and counter-transference. When you combine Oxytocin with psychological transference – watch out! You have a volcano waiting to erupt.
Therefore, Dakas and Dakinis need to be crystal clear with their clients about what may happen during the tantric healing process, especially if they become lovers as part of it. They need to be more professional in their approach, and without exception, start with a well designed intake form and a signed written disclaimer explaining how intoxicating tantric energy and opening the heart chakra can be. You must remember that anyone in healing/teaching position has power over their client."
~ Moses Ma
November 8,2009 ... Tantric News .com
As a Sexual Energy Worker, I am entrusted with peoples deepest darkest secrets, wounds, fears, insecurities, and also their most ecstatic joys, desires and emotions. Sometimes people come to me as a last resort, after all conventional treatments or therapies have done all they can do. Or sometimes they come to me to help them open doors to new and exciting places within themselves. ... Either way, ... I am incredibly honored and privileged to be able to work with my clients in this way. I am allowed access to the most hidden and sacred places within a person, and at times embrace their very soul.
This is Sacred Work and should be treated as such.
To be and remain grounded during the entire session.
Staying present and grounded for the entire session, however long that may be is key in any type of therapy or treatment session. This is the time that your client paid for and it should be all about them. The focus of attention and intention for that slotted time period should be that which is in the clients best and highest interest. ….. This also applies to all parties present during the session, including the practitioner and their professional/personal boundaries.To make and provide the client/seeker a healthy and safe environment.
A tremendous amount of trust is being placed in the practitioner. Sessions are generally of a very intimate nature. Along with physical safety there can also be a concern of emotional and energetic safety as well. All factors need to be considered from locked doors, to personal hygiene, to discretion and confidentiality.Be sure the client/seeker has a firm understanding of what will happen during the session.
Before any waiver, disclaimer or any other permission to treat form is signed, The client should be fully presented with what will be happening during their session and why. Any knowingly possible variations to the preset plan that may come about during the session should also be discussed. It should be confirmed that they do fully understand and are ready to give consent. … They should also be told that it is okay for them to ask questions or voice any concerns they may have before consent is given.To always inform the client/seeker of any possible side effects of the session before it begins.
As with the above, the client should be made aware of any possible effects from their session. The results of energy work are not always immediately apparent and can take time to fully integrate or release. The client should be educated as to the possible sometimes delayed effects on all levels of physical, emotional and spiritual.To make sure the client/seeker understands they are able to stop the session at anytime they feel uncomfortable with the work being done or do not understand what is being done.
Because this work is of such an intimate and often vulnerable nature, and because it also sometimes bring up past traumas or triggers, this control needs to be in place for the safety and well being of both the client and practitioner. At times the client could become overwhelmed by the work or a little unsure about what is going on and needs things to stop for a minute. At this point the practitioner should assess the situation to see if what was originally planned is still in the best interest of the client and all parties concerned.To realize that the work being done may result in the client/seeker being in an altered mental capacity and to never take advantage of the situation.
Sexual energy is intoxicating. Sensual styled bodywork is intoxicating. The feel good chemicals, Adrenaline, Dopamine, Oxytocin (the bonding hormone), as well as a host of others are all doing their magic in the body and brain while in session. This can have an effect on the client's behavior or judgment during the session.
Our clients place an incredible amount of trust in us. They are putting themselves in a very vulnerable position and have every right to expect a safe and sacred container be in place at all times.To always act in accordance with the client/seekers best interest.
Treatment goals, fears, boundaries, expectations, etc. should all be gone over before the session begins ….. This is basically self explanatory.To always keep the client/seekers mental, physical and spiritual health as guidelines during a session.
While it is primarily the job of the client to express how they are feeling, we as practitioners know that during a session that this is not always possible for them. It is our duty to the client to stay present with what we see and feel happening to them.To not change the scope of the session without client/seekers consent at any time.
Any and all possible variations to the original format of the session should have been discussed and agreed to before the session.To reserve the right to end the session, and act upon it, if ever the client/seekers or my health or boundaries are or about to become in jeopardy.
It is the responsibility of the practitioner to maintain the boundaries of all parties concerned. It is also the responsibility of the practitioner to make sure that all that goes on during a session is of therapeutic value to the client.To always, to the best of my ability, provide the client/seeker the services to which they are paying for.
Self ExplanatoryProvide the client/seeker with sufficient "Aftercare" ( The AFTERCARE of the client/seeker can be just as important as the session itself. Often the full effects of a session cannot be felt until days later.)
The care and attention given to a client after his or her session can be vital to the outcome of your sessions together. If deep healing or trauma work has been done, the client needs to know and feel that they are still being supported through their journey. Also, since we are dealing with energy as well, the effects of the work can be emotional and raw for the client for days after the session. Checking in or following up with a client has to how they are since the session should be and integral part of the clients treatment plan or goals of a session.To always try to teach and educate the client/seeker about their bodies and the processes to which brought them to a session.
The client came to you for a reason. They either wanted help with something or they needed answers. Educating them about what they are capable of, Body, Mind and Soul. Or how a problem got started is often crucial to the healing process. Knowledge of self for the client can also be very empowering and builds confidence about themselves, in their abilities, and in the work being done.